soccer world 1

Sunday 8 February 2009

Goalkeeper Training Tips


Drills to do Alone

One of the most important things for a goalkeeper to learn correctly is to dive. With a correct diving technique the chance at injury is far less and your football/soccer career can proceed longer. One drill that I have my students do is to put a ball in front of a post at the six yard box. Then put your hand on the far post, take two side steps and dive toward the ball. This will make you attack the ball and learn to land correctly. When you are comfortable with that, add another ball to jump over, and so on. Once one side is comfortable, switch sides and dive the other way.

Drills to do with Someone Else

Drills for a keeper are always easier with another person involved. Here you can incorporate the same drill as above, but have the other person kick it to the space. Once comfortable with that, have the person take full on shots while you dive over a ball or even another player on their knees to incorporate the power dive.

Handling and Catching

Catching a ball cleanly will help prevent any rebounds. The best drill for this is the simplest of all, just have another player kick a ball directly at you. Utilize the “W” technique for your hands (Thumbs together to create a W), and catch the ball cleanly. Once caught bring to your chest. For the low shots bring it in to your chest and fall on your arms. To incorporate catching and handling in your dive, make sure you catch the ball that is kicked or thrown to you and pin it to the ground.


In order to work on the footwork, a keeper must utilize everything they can to make the drill a success. Set up five balls about a foot apart, and another ball at an angle about five feet away. Small jumps over the balls, then once you land dive toward the ball at the angle. After a few times, switch sides and work on the other way.


This again is best utilized with another person that can throw the ball back to you, however you need to set up target areas to hit with your throws and kicks. If you are alone, then use the goal as your target and step out to midfield. Ideally you should be able to throw a ball just as far as you can kick it if doing it correctly.


Get the top scorers on your team and have them take shots from all over the 18 yard box. Then have them mix it up and try some break away shots. This will force you to work on your angles and also help you learn where the best angles are to where it becomes second nature to you during a match.



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